Congratulations to Caerwent Playing Fields Committee for putting on another fantastic show!
We had a successful day and lots of fun too!
With Glyn's expertise,we finally managed to get the gazebo up..[I think that was the first entertainment of the day!]

Barbara did a grand job on information and generated lots of discussion.We feel we have gained a lot of support from the local community and indeed the surrounding communities too.
As you can see the children were really proud of the masks they had made.
Dot had great success with her Lucky Dip and it was lovely to see the children's faces opening their prizes.Dot hopes to be back with her Lucky Dip at the next Car Boot.

What a team!
Last,but not least a BIG thank you to Joan,Derek,Dai and Adrian who toiled all day controlling traffic and collecting money in the car park. They did a great job and raised the lion's share of our funds.
We raised £265.00p from the day which goes into our funds for Legal Costs incurred by our solicitor and barrister.
Well done everyone!