Merton Green Action Group

Merton Green Action Group

We still await the date of the Public Enquiry as to if the Open Spaces at Merton Green and Ash Tree Road should be registered as Village Greens.

We met with representatives of Barratts in January ,but they could not come to any agreement.

The group have been challenged by a number of questions raised by individuals recently.

One question being, if we win our case for Merton Green and Ash Tree Road, then doesnt that put more pressure for houses to be built elsewhere in Caerwent? Our answer would be that the Local Development Plan suggests that at least 4,000 new homes are to be built in Monmouthshire over the next decade. The land at Merton Green and Ash Tree Road is unique and probably one of the last candidate sites that can be saved by the Commons Act of 2007.The council own a lot of the land around Caerwent, so nowhere, in our understanding, is safe. We believe battling like we are [and we have a very strong case ]is the right way forward and will hopefully make developers in the future think twice about putting our village status at risk. If we simply relinquish the land at Ash Tree Road and Merton Green then who knows what might happen in the future.

We welcome all comments and we are particularly asking for letters of support. You may be approached by members of the Action Group in the next few weeks for a letter, but in the meantime if you feel strongly about saving the Open Spaces at Merton Green and Ash Tree Road or indeed anywhere else, please write to us with your support. You can hand letters to any Action Group Member, or post them to 6,Centurions Court Caerwent.

You may prefer to email in which case send to the address below. We would really appreciate your support as a village. It is the village we have at heart and will continue to work hard to keep this a village.

We are continuing to fundraise and will be back at the local Car Boots from March onwards. We are also hoping to have” a bit of a do in May and also a sponsored walk with a nearby Action Group. We are planning a Treasure Hunt and Barbecue later on in the better weather. If you have any ideas for fundraising or even want to take up our cause, please get in contact with us.

Merton Green Action Group